Ali Haider

"Computer Science Undergraduate"

MERN Stack . Django . Flutter . PyQT5 . Python

About Me

Hey! 😃💻

My name is Ali Haider and I am a Computer Science undergraduate student at the University of Engineering
and Technology, Lahore and I am in currently 5th semester.

An eager learner, enthusiastic about acquiring new knowledge and applying development principles to solve real-world challenges.

I have experience in the following tech stacks:
- MERN Stack
- Python Django
- Flutter
- Xamarin
- .Net
- PyQT5
- SQL Database Management


My Projects

Some projects I have developed

APTO Distribution Management System

A semester group project develop in PyQT5 and QT designer. A system having multiple role user(Admin,Manager,Customer,Sale Agent). A map is also integrated in the app which calcualte the shortest distance two points.

Source Code

Real Chat Application

A web chat app built using HTML and CSS with technology Socket.IO and Node JS

Source Code

Class Seating Mangement System

A class seating management system built in PyQT5 and QT Desigener. A teacher can add students to the class and can drag each one to specifc seat.

Source Code

RealPhone Static Web

A static web made using HTML and CSS and Some JavaScript. A button is used to show the features of the mobile

Source Code

Some UIs Design

These are some UIs design I have developed in different platforms

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